Obverse Films


Obverse Film Services provides services to the film industry and can help with equipment rental, actors showreels, head shots, photographic services, remote recording and event livestreaming. Obverse Film services can also handle film and video production via our sister company Obverse Films.

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Current Short Film Projects

Below are some of the short films Obverse Film Services has collaborated on currently showing at international film festivals. 


Obverse Films Services Ltd is currently involved in the production of a slate of narrative features being produced by Obverse Films but we also collaborate on narrative and documentary shorts, promotional and music videos. Obverse Film Services Ltd can help with equipment rental, actors showreels, head shots, photographic services and event live streaming. Obverse Film Services Ltd is based in Leeds, UK.


Obverse Films Services Ltd
14 Bentley Grove  
Leeds, LS6 4AT, UK
+44 (0) 7798 862914